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Bicycle Crunch

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Bicycle Crunch Overview

The Bicycle crunch is a bodyweight exercise that targets the oblique muscles.

It involves lying on your back, lifting your legs, and performing a pedaling motion.

This movement engages the obliques, which are responsible for twisting and rotating the torso.

While other muscles such as the rectus abdominis are also activated, the focus is on the obliques.

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Bicycle Crunch Instructions

  1. Lie flat on your back on a mat or the floor.
  2. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.
  3. Place your hands behind your head, lightly supporting your neck with your fingers.
  4. Engage your core by drawing your belly button in towards your spine.
  5. Slowly lift your shoulders off the ground, bringing your right elbow towards your left knee while extending your right leg straight out.
  6. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the other side, bringing your left elbow towards your right knee while extending your left leg straight out.
  7. Continue alternating sides in a controlled and fluid motion, keeping your core engaged throughout the exercise.

Bicycle Crunch Tips

  1. Focus on your form: Start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your shoulders off the floor, engaging your core muscles. As you twist your torso, bring your right elbow towards your left knee while extending your right leg straight. Repeat on the other side, alternating sides in a smooth and controlled motion.
  2. Engage your obliques: To target your oblique muscles, make sure to twist your torso fully with each repetition. This will help you activate and strengthen your side abdominal muscles. Imagine squeezing your waistline as you bring your elbow towards your knee, feeling the burn in your obliques.
  3. Breathe properly: Don’t forget to breathe throughout the exercise. Inhale as you lower your upper body and extend your leg, and exhale as you twist your torso and bring your elbow towards your knee. Deep, controlled breathing will help you maintain focus and provide oxygen to your muscles, enhancing your performance.
  4. Start slow and gradually increase intensity: If you’re a beginner, it’s important to start with a pace and range of motion that feels comfortable for you. As you gain strength and improve your form, you can gradually increase the speed and intensity of the bicycle crunches. Remember, it’s better to perform the exercise correctly at a slower pace than to rush through with poor form.</

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