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Aquabag Around The World Explosive

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Aquabag Around The World Explosive Overview

The aquabag Around the World explosive workout is designed to target the obliques and lower back.

The aquabag, a versatile training tool, provides resistance and instability, intensifying the engagement of these muscle groups.

By incorporating explosive movements, such as twists and rotations, the aquabag challenges the core muscles in a dynamic manner.

While the workout may indirectly engage auxiliary muscles, its primary focus remains on the obliques and lower back.

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Aquabag Around The World Explosive Instructions

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the aquabag in front of your chest with both hands, elbows bent.
  2. Engage your core and keep your back straight as you step forward with your right foot, extending your right leg and shifting your weight onto it.
  3. As you step forward, swing the aquabag in a circular motion around your body, moving it from the right side to the left side.
  4. Simultaneously, pivot on your right foot and rotate your torso to the left, following the movement of the aquabag.
  5. Continue the circular motion of the aquabag, bringing it behind your body as you pivot on your right foot and rotate your torso back to the starting position.
  6. Step back with your right foot, returning to the starting position, and repeat the movement with your left foot, stepping forward and swinging the aquabag in the opposite direction.
  7. Alternate stepping forward and swinging the aquabag in a circular motion, switching sides with each repetition.

Aquabag Around The World Explosive Tips

  1. Engage your obliques and lower back by maintaining a strong core throughout the entire movement. Imagine a string pulling your belly button towards your spine, activating those deep abdominal muscles.
  2. Focus on your breathing, exhaling forcefully as you explosively swing the aquabag around your body. This will help you generate power from your core and maximize the engagement of your obliques and lower back.
  3. Ensure proper form by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. This stable base will allow you to generate power and transfer it efficiently through your core, preventing any unnecessary strain on your lower back.
  4. As you swing the aquabag around your body, visualize your obliques and lower back muscles contracting and working hard to control the movement. This mental connection will enhance muscle activation and help you achieve better results.
  5. Gradually increase the weight of the aquabag as you become more comfortable with the exercise. This progressive overload will challenge your obliques and lower back, promoting strength and muscle growth. Remember, always prioritize proper form over heavy weights to avoid injury.

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