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Side Plank Hand Feet Wide Static

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Side Plank Hand Feet Wide Static Overview

The side plank hand feet wide static workout is a bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the obliques.

By positioning the body in a side plank with the hand and feet wide apart, the obliques are engaged to stabilize the body.

While other muscles such as the shoulders, hips, and core are also activated, the focus is on the obliques.

This exercise effectively strengthens and tones the obliques, helping to improve core stability and overall body strength.

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Side Plank Hand Feet Wide Static Instructions

  1. Lie on your side with your legs extended and stacked on top of each other.
  2. Place your right hand directly under your shoulder, fingers pointing forward.
  3. Press through your right hand and lift your hips off the ground, coming into a side plank position.
  4. Extend your left arm straight up towards the ceiling, keeping it in line with your shoulder.
  5. Engage your core and glutes to maintain a straight line from your head to your heels.
  6. Hold this position for the desired amount of time.
  7. Lower your hips back down to the ground and return to the starting position.

Side Plank Hand Feet Wide Static Tips

  1. 1. Focus on proper alignment: Start by lying on your side with your forearm directly under your shoulder and your legs extended, feet stacked on top of each other. Engage your core by drawing your navel towards your spine and lift your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from head to toe. This alignment is crucial for targeting the obliques effectively.
  2. 2. Find your balance: As a beginner, it may take some time to find your balance in the side plank. If you struggle, try placing your top hand on your hip or extend it towards the ceiling for added stability. Remember to keep your gaze forward and avoid collapsing your hips or shoulders.
  3. 3. Engage your obliques: To maximize the engagement of your obliques, imagine pulling your bottom waist towards the ceiling while simultaneously pressing your top hip towards the ground. This will activate the muscles on the sides of your torso, helping you develop a strong and defined waistline.
  4. 4. Breathe and hold: Take deep breaths while holding the side plank to maintain focus and control. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, allowing your breath to flow naturally. Aim to hold the

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