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Bosu Step Over Sideways (alternating)

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Bosu Step Over Sideways (alternating) Overview

The bosu Step over sideways (alternating) workout is designed to primarily engage the quads.

The bosu acts as an unstable surface, challenging the quads to stabilize and maintain balance.

By stepping over the bosu sideways, the quads are targeted through lateral movements.

While the workout may engage some auxiliary muscles, the focus remains on the quads’ activation and strength.

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Bosu Step Over Sideways (alternating) Instructions

  1. Place the bosu on the ground with the flat side up.
  2. Stand beside the bosu, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Step onto the center of the bosu with your right foot, keeping your weight evenly distributed.
  4. Step your left foot over the bosu to the other side, landing on the ground.
  5. Step your right foot over the bosu to the other side, returning to the starting position.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5, alternating sides with each step.
  7. Continue alternating step overs for the desired number of repetitions.

Bosu Step Over Sideways (alternating) Tips

  1. Position your bosu ball on a flat, stable surface and step onto it with one foot, ensuring your foot is centered and your weight is evenly distributed.
  2. Engage your core muscles by pulling your navel towards your spine and maintain a tall, upright posture throughout the exercise.
  3. Begin the exercise by stepping sideways with your other foot over the bosu, making sure to land softly and maintain control of your movement.
  4. As you step over, focus on pushing through your heel and engaging your quadriceps to provide stability and control, while also activating your glutes to support the movement.
  5. Alternate stepping over the bosu with each foot, keeping a steady rhythm and focusing on the mind-muscle connection with your quads, feeling the burn as they work to stabilize your body.

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