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Airpad Plank Leg Raise (alternating)

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Airpad Plank Leg Raise (alternating) Overview

The airpad plank leg raise is a core exercise that primarily targets the abs and obliques.

The airpad adds instability, forcing the core muscles to work harder to maintain balance.

Start in a plank position with hands on the ground and feet on the airpad.

Alternate lifting each leg, engaging the abs and obliques to stabilize the body.

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Airpad Plank Leg Raise (alternating) Instructions

  1. Place an airpad on the floor and position yourself in a high plank position, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet on the airpad.
  2. Engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine and keeping your back straight.
  3. While maintaining the plank position, lift your right leg off the airpad, extending it straight back until it is parallel to the floor.
  4. Lower your right leg back down to the airpad, keeping it controlled and avoiding any sudden movements.
  5. Repeat the leg raise with your left leg, lifting it off the airpad and extending it straight back until parallel to the floor.
  6. Lower your left leg back down to the airpad, maintaining control throughout the movement.
  7. Continue alternating leg raises, lifting one leg at a time and lowering it back down, while keeping your core engaged and your body stable in the plank position.

Airpad Plank Leg Raise (alternating) Tips

  1. Focus on maintaining a strong and stable core throughout the airpad Plank leg raise exercise. Engage your abs and obliques by imagining a corset tightening around your waist, pulling your belly button towards your spine.
  2. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, avoiding any sagging or arching in your lower back. This will ensure that you are effectively targeting your abdominal muscles and maximizing the benefits of the exercise.
  3. As you lift one leg off the ground, concentrate on using your lower abs to initiate the movement. Imagine your belly button pulling towards your spine as you raise your leg, feeling a deep contraction in your abs.
  4. While performing the leg raise, maintain a controlled and slow tempo. Avoid any jerky or fast movements, as this can lead to loss of form and reduced effectiveness. Focus on the quality of each repetition rather than the quantity.
  5. To further challenge your core stability, try adding a slight rotation to the exercise. As you lift one leg, simultaneously twist your hips slightly to the side, engaging your obliques. This will not only work your abs but also help develop a strong and defined waistline.

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