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Side Plank And Squat

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Side Plank And Squat Overview

The side plank and squat workout primarily engages the obliques and quads through bodyweight exercises.

Bodyweight exercises provide resistance for targeted muscles without overemphasizing secondary muscle groups.

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Side Plank And Squat Instructions

  1. Start by lying on your side, propping yourself up on your forearm with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder.
  2. Stack your feet on top of each other and lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet. This is the starting position for the side plank.
  3. Engage your core muscles and hold this position for the desired amount of time, keeping your body stable and your hips lifted.
  4. To perform a squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward.
  5. Lower your body by bending at the hips and knees, pushing your hips back and keeping your chest up. Continue lowering until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Side Plank And Squat Tips

  1. Engage your obliques by keeping your core tight throughout the side plank. Imagine squeezing your waistline towards your spine.
  2. For a challenging variation, lift your top leg while holding the side plank. This will further activate your obliques and improve balance.
  3. Focus on your quads during squats by pushing through your heels and keeping your knees in line with your toes. This will ensure proper form and prevent knee strain.
  4. To increase quad activation, try pausing at the bottom of the squat for a few seconds before coming back up. This will make your muscles work harder.
  5. Keep your chest lifted and back straight during squats to engage your quads and prevent lower back strain. Imagine pushing your hips back as if sitting on an imaginary chair.
  6. For an extra challenge, try adding a jump at the top of your squat. This will increase quad activation and add a cardio element to your workout.
  7. Remember to breathe throughout both exercises. Inhale deeply before starting the movement and exhale as you exert force. This will help you maintain focus and control.

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