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Upper Back 2 (alternating)

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Upper Back 2 (alternating) Overview

The Upper Back 2 (alternating) workout is designed to primarily engage the upper back muscles.

The machine used in this workout is specifically designed to target the upper back muscles.

By using alternating movements, the machine ensures that each side of the upper back is equally engaged.

This workout effectively strengthens and tones the upper back muscles without overstating its effect on auxiliary muscles.

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Upper Back 2 (alternating) Instructions

  1. Adjust the seat height of the machine so that your feet are flat on the footrest and your knees are at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Sit with your back against the backrest and grasp the handles with an overhand grip.
  3. Keep your chest up and shoulders back as you pull one handle towards your body, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  4. While maintaining control, slowly return the handle to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement on the opposite side, pulling the other handle towards your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  6. Continue alternating sides, pulling one handle at a time while keeping your back straight and core engaged.
  7. Perform the desired number of repetitions, ensuring a smooth and controlled motion throughout the exercise.

Upper Back 2 (alternating) Tips

  1. Position yourself correctly: Sit on the machine with your back straight and your feet firmly planted on the floor. Adjust the seat height so that your arms are at a comfortable level, allowing for a full range of motion. This will ensure that you engage your upper back muscles effectively throughout the exercise.
  2. Focus on proper posture: Keep your shoulders down and back, avoiding any hunching or rounding of the upper back. Imagine pulling your shoulder blades together as you pull the handles towards your chest. This will help target your upper back muscles and prevent unnecessary strain on your neck and shoulders.
  3. Mindful breathing: Inhale deeply as you extend your arms forward, and exhale slowly as you pull the handles towards your chest. This controlled breathing pattern will not only help you maintain focus and concentration, but it will also provide your muscles with the oxygen they need to perform the exercise effectively.
  4. Engage your core: Throughout the exercise, remember to engage your core muscles by gently drawing your belly button towards your spine. This will provide stability and support to your upper back, allowing you to maintain proper form and prevent any excessive arching or rounding of your lower back.
  5. Gradually increase resistance: As a beginner, start with a lighter weight and focus on mastering your form and technique. Once you feel confident and comfortable, gradually increase the resistance

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