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Sandbag Front Lunge Zercher Grip (alternating)

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Sandbag Front Lunge Zercher Grip (alternating) Overview

The sandbag front lunge zercher grip (alternating) workout primarily engages the Quads and Glutes.

The sandbag’s function is to add resistance and challenge to the exercise without overstating its effect on secondary muscles.

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Sandbag Front Lunge Zercher Grip (alternating) Instructions

  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the sandbag in a zercher grip position. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body.
  2. Take a step forward with your right foot, lowering your body into a lunge position. Your right knee should be directly above your ankle, and your left knee should be hovering just above the ground.
  3. Push through your right heel to stand back up, bringing your left foot forward to meet your right foot.
  4. Repeat the lunge motion, this time stepping forward with your left foot. Keep alternating legs with each repetition.
  5. Continue performing the alternating sandbag front lunge zercher grip exercise for the desired number of repetitions or as instructed by your fitness program.

Sandbag Front Lunge Zercher Grip (alternating) Tips

  1. Start with a sandbag that challenges your strength but allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise.
  2. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and hold the sandbag in a zercher grip, cradling it at your chest.
  3. Take a big step forward with your right foot, lowering your body into a lunge position.
  4. Keep your torso upright, engage your core, and push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
  5. Alternate legs and repeat the movement, focusing on engaging your quads and glutes with each lunge.
  6. Make sure your front knee stays in line with your toes and doesn’t go past them to protect your knee joint.
  7. Control the movement throughout, avoiding any bouncing or jerking motions, to maximize muscle engagement.

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