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Pulley Lateral Shoulder Press

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Pulley Lateral Shoulder Press Overview

The pulley lateral shoulder press is a workout that primarily engages the shoulders.

The pulley provides resistance, allowing for controlled movements and targeting the shoulder muscles effectively.

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Pulley Lateral Shoulder Press Instructions

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the pulley machine.
  2. Grasp the handles of the pulley with an overhand grip, palms facing forward.
  3. Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and your upper arms parallel to the floor.
  4. Exhale as you extend your arms straight out to the sides, pushing the handles away from your body.
  5. Inhale as you slowly return your arms back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the movement.

Pulley Lateral Shoulder Press Tips

  1. Start with an appropriate weight that challenges you but allows proper form.
  2. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining a slight bend in your knees.
  3. Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise.
  4. As you press the handles forward, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  5. Avoid locking your elbows at the top of the movement to keep tension on your shoulders.
  6. Control the weight on the way back, resisting the urge to let it snap back quickly.
  7. Remember to breathe, exhaling as you press the handles forward and inhaling as you return.

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