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Magnetic Bell Thruster

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Magnetic Bell Thruster Overview

The magnetic bell thruster is a dynamic full-body exercise that utilizes the magnetic bell as resistance.

It primarily targets the quads, glutes, and shoulders, engaging them through a combination of squatting and pressing movements.

The magnetic bell’s magnetic resistance provides a challenging workout, promoting muscle growth and strength development.

While it also activates other muscles, its focus on the quads, glutes, and shoulders makes it an efficient exercise for these areas.

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Magnetic Bell Thruster Instructions

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the magnetic bell with both hands in front of your chest.
  2. Engage your core muscles and keep your back straight throughout the exercise.
  3. Step forward with your right foot, maintaining your balance.
  4. Simultaneously push the magnetic bell straight out in front of you, extending your arms fully.
  5. Pause briefly at the end of the movement, feeling the contraction in your chest and shoulders.
  6. Slowly retract your arms and bring the magnetic bell back to your chest as you step back with your right foot to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the movement, stepping forward with your left foot this time, and continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.

Magnetic Bell Thruster Tips

  1. Engage your quads and glutes by starting the magnetic bell thruster exercise with a deep squat, ensuring your knees are aligned with your toes and your hips are pushed back. This will activate those powerful leg muscles, allowing you to generate maximum force.
  2. As you explode up from the squat, focus on driving through your heels, activating your glutes and quads even more. This powerful leg drive will not only help you lift the magnetic bell effortlessly but also engage your shoulder muscles as you transition into the overhead press.
  3. When performing the overhead press, keep your core tight and your shoulders pulled back. This will not only protect your lower back but also ensure that your shoulders are fully engaged, maximizing the benefits of the exercise for your shoulder muscles.
  4. Throughout the movement, maintain a strong and stable posture, keeping your chest up and your shoulders back. This will not only improve your form but also help you maintain balance and prevent any unnecessary strain on your lower back.
  5. Remember to breathe! Inhale deeply as you lower into the squat, and exhale forcefully as you explode up and press the magnetic bell overhead. This rhythmic breathing will provide you with the necessary oxygen and energy to power through the exercise, allowing you to reach new heights in your fitness journey.

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