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Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift

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Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift Overview

The kettlebell stiff leg deadlift is a powerful exercise that targets the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

Using a kettlebell adds resistance and challenges the muscles, promoting strength and stability.

This exercise involves hinging at the hips while keeping the legs straight, emphasizing the posterior chain.

While other muscles such as the core and quadriceps are engaged, the focus remains on the primary muscle groups.

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Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift Instructions

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, and knees slightly bent. Hold a kettlebell in both hands with an overhand grip, arms extended in front of your body.
  2. Engage your core by pulling your belly button in towards your spine.
  3. Keep your back straight and hinge at the hips, pushing your hips back as you lower the kettlebell towards the ground.
  4. As you lower the kettlebell, keep your arms straight and allow them to hang naturally in front of your body.
  5. Lower the kettlebell until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, keeping your back straight and your knees slightly bent.
  6. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position by squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward.
  7. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift Tips

  1. Start with a kettlebell placed in front of you, feet hip-width apart, and knees slightly bent. Maintain a strong, upright posture with your shoulders back and chest lifted, engaging your core muscles.
  2. As you hinge forward at your hips, imagine a string pulling your tailbone back, allowing your torso to lower towards the ground while keeping your back flat. This movement should primarily come from your hips, not your lower back.
  3. Keep your gaze forward and your neck aligned with your spine, avoiding any excessive rounding or arching. This will help you maintain proper form and prevent strain on your neck and lower back.
  4. As you lower the kettlebell towards the ground, focus on feeling a stretch in your hamstrings. Engage your glutes and hamstrings to initiate the upward movement, driving your hips forward and standing tall.
  5. Throughout the exercise, remember to breathe steadily and rhythmically. Inhale as you lower the kettlebell and exhale as you lift it back up, using your breath to help you maintain control and stability.

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