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Bear Paw Walk

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Bear Paw Walk Overview

The Bear Paw Walk is a bodyweight workout that targets the quads and abs.

It involves walking on all fours, with the focus on engaging the core and leg muscles.

By using only bodyweight, the workout effectively strengthens the quads and abs without overworking auxiliary muscles.

This exercise is a great addition to any routine that aims to build strength in the lower body and core.

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Bear Paw Walk Instructions

  1. Start in a tabletop position on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Engage your core by pulling your belly button towards your spine, and keep your back straight throughout the exercise.
  3. Lift your knees a few inches off the ground, maintaining a 90-degree angle between your thighs and shins.
  4. Begin by taking a small step forward with your right hand and right foot simultaneously, keeping your weight evenly distributed.
  5. Follow with a step forward using your left hand and left foot, maintaining the same even weight distribution.
  6. Continue alternating steps forward, moving your hands and feet in sync, while maintaining the lifted knee position.
  7. Perform the desired number of steps forward, then reverse the movement by taking steps backward to return to the starting position.

Bear Paw Walk Tips

  1. Engage your quads by starting in a tabletop position, with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Keep your core tight and back flat.
  2. Imagine a bear walking through the woods as you lift your knees a few inches off the ground, maintaining a slow and controlled movement. This will activate your abs and challenge your balance.
  3. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine throughout the exercise, avoiding any excessive rounding or arching. This will help you target your abs effectively and prevent strain on your lower back.
  4. As you move forward, keep your weight evenly distributed between your hands and toes. This will ensure that your quads are fully engaged and working to support your bodyweight.
  5. Remember to breathe deeply and rhythmically throughout the exercise, inhaling as you lift your knees and exhaling as you lower them. This will help you maintain focus, oxygenate your muscles, and maximize your overall performance.

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